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Texas NGV Alliance

Grant Funds Still Available!!

Grant Funds Still Available!!


Grant Funds Still Available under the Texas Natural Gas Vehicle Grant Program (TNGVGP)!

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is still accepting applications for funding consideration under the Texas Natural Gas Vehicle Grant Program. Individuals, businesses, and governmental entities that own and operate a heavy-duty or medium-duty vehicle may qualify to replace the vehicle with a natural gas vehicle or repower the vehicle with a natural gas engine. Interested parties should contact a Participating Dealer under contract with the TCEQ to determine eligibility. Program staff at the TCEQ are always available to answer questions. Applications will be accepted through May 26, 2017.

For more information on the Texas Natural Gas Vehicle Grant Program, Participating Dealers, application process, and eligibility requirements, visit www.terpgrants.org or call 800-919-TERP (8377).

Copyright 2021, Texas NGV Alliance